Category Archives: SEO

Rich Snippets Author SEO

Rich Snippets and SERP Rankings [Video]

Will Markup Improve SERP Rankings?
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Google Logo SEO

Google’s New Tool – Disavow links [Video]

Be very, very careful.
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Page Load Speed SEO

Slow Loading Widgets Bad for SEO? [Video]

How do widgets like the Facebook Like box affect your SEO and Search Engine Rankings when they seem to be loading slower than…
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Guest Blogging SEO

What are the SEO Effects of Guest Blogging? [Video]

Here is is an interview where Matt Cutts talks about guest blogging and it's effects on SEO. Does it not always come back…
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Canonical or 301 Redirects SEO

Is a Canonical Reference or a 301 Redirect better for SEO? [Video]

Find out what Matt Cutts says about the SEO differences between using rel="canonical" and 301 redirects.
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SEO Tag Cloud

Tag Clouds Good or Bad for SEO? [Video]

Find out what Matt Cutts says about the use of Tag Clouds on your site...including their effect on SEO.
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Pagerank Sculpting SEO

Is PageRank Sculpting Unethical? [Video]

Find out what Matt Cutts thinks about PageRank sculpting.
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2 Links 1 Page SEO

Do 2 Links From The Same Page Both Pass PageRank? [Video]

This is an interesting video on PageRank sculpting. The basis being, do 2 separate links coming from the same page both pass PageRank?
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Meta Description SEO

Does Google Still Use Meta Description? [Video]

Find out if Google is doing away with the use of the meta description.
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Pipes or dashes in page titles SEO

Pipes vs Dashes in Page Titles [Video]

Learn how Google reacts to Dashes and Pipes in your page titles.
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Dash or Underscore in URL SEO

Dashes vs Underscores in URLs [Video]

Learn exactly how and why Google treats dashes and underscores differently when used in your webpage URL's.
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Google Facebook Twitter SEO

Google Giving Weight to Facebook and Twitter Links? [Video]

Matt Cutts (head of the webspam team at Google) sheds some light on if and how Google is using Facebook and Twitter links…
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Microsoft Yahoo SEO

Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal Finally Approved

ShareThe U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission have finally approved the Microsoft-Yahoo deal, which talks first started for back in late…
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Search Engine Expert Austin SEO

Austin SEO Expert

Questions and answers related to the challenges one will face when forming an effective search engine optimization strategy.
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SEO Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

To achieve success on the web, one must be focused on acquiring free traffic mainly through search engine optimization (SEO) and Search Engine…
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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

If you are looking to hire, find someone who has already shown they are a successful organic SEO Marketer. Look for current organic…
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Digital Marketing SEO

Digital Marketing Expert

Search engines today are designed to make entry into the organic search engine results difficult, even more so in the first few years…
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SEO Web Development

SEO Web Development

With the "I want it now" attitude of today's Internet user along with ever increasing search engine and overall internet competition, you must…
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